Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Grady's 6th Birthday...Take Two!

On Grady's actual birthday (June 15th) we had a nice family party for him! Mimi, Popeye, Ma, Granny, Gramps and Uncle Scott all came to help him celebrate! As always, we are so lucky that we have family that will go out of their way to make our boys feel special no matter what!
Grady wasn't a fan of our birthday singing! Ha! I don't know if I can blame him!

As you all know, Grady is very into Batman and Robin right now. Since I already did Batman cupcakes for his friend party, I had to get creative this time around! He specifically asked that Robin be on the cake, so I figured a big "R" with a lego Robin would do, and he seemed happy with it! :)

He got a Batman/Joker lego set that he desperately wanted from Mimi and Popeye!

He also got two beanbag chairs from Granny and Gramps, which he loved! They have spent countless hours laying on these and running and jumping on them. (Landon is pictured here as "Clark Kent." He likes to put this tie on several times throughout the day - along with black glasses - to turn into Clark. he he....)

We got him a basketball goal! We figure we'll get good use out of this with three boys!

He also got the game Life from Aunt Carleen, Uncle Kevin and Elle (which he really wanted!), a lacrosse set from Ma, a butterfly house and book from Aunt Kelly, Uncle Louis, Hannah and Griffin and a butterfly bush from Uncle Scott. Grady has been asking for a butterfly bush for a really long time. He always told me that he would see butterflies on the playground at school and would try to catch them, but they'd always fly away. He decided that if he had a butterfly bush at home maybe they would land on his finger. :)  And it was perfect because Kelly and Louis got him a little butterfly house!
Sometimes it's hard to believe Grady is 6! While it can be sad thinking about how fast time goes, it's also really neat to watch him as he grows and turns more and more into a little man. He really is a sweet little soul....all boy (and crazy at times!), but so sensitive and caring. Recently, he was helping me fold baby clothes, and he said, "I'm going to have to fold a lot of clothes like this when I'm a daddy one day! It's going to be hard work!" :)

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