Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving in the Mountains!

We celebrated Thanksgiving last weekend in Boone with Brandon's family and had a great time! Landon faced forward for the first time in his carseat on the drive up to the mountains, so that was pretty exciting!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner (thanks Granny!) with Granny, Gramps, Scott and Charlotte.

After dinner we had another birthday celebration for Landon. Granny made him a chocolate cake with chocolate icing (which did not have milk according to the ingredients), and Landon LOVED it (and we are happy to report that there was no allergic reaction)! I think he would have eaten the whole cake if we let him!

Here are some other pictures from our weekend in Boone!

Here Grady is with Annie!

Here Grady is playing with cars/trucks that were Brandon's and Scott's when they were little!

This is one of my favorite pictures....what an amazing view! (Landon seems to think so too.)

We went to a great park on Sunday, and Grady and Landon had so much fun! They especially enjoyed playing in the model town.

Happy Thanksgiving! :)

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