Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Landon's 1st Birthday!

Landon turned 1 on Nov. 11! He went to the doctor yesterday for his 1-year check-up...he's now 22 lbs, 1 oz and is just about 32 inches tall. What that tells us is that he's very tall and slender - and growing perfectly! :) We are always thankful for good check-ups.

As he was practically running up and down the hallway in the doctor's office (and getting into everything...the trash can, all the exam rooms, etc.) the doctor commented that he seems more like a 15-month-old than a 12-month-old! Not sure if that is a good or bad thing! :)  He's a very happy little guy though, so his "very active" demeanor is just fine with us! You can also tell from this picture that he already has bottom molars, so he has a total of 10 teeth (soon to be 12 since his top molars are coming in now)....a little bit ahead of schedule in the teeth department!

Since his actual birthday was during the week, we decided to celebrate with an official party this past weekend. Mimi, Popeye, Ma, Carleen and Kevin came for the party, and Landon had a great time! I decided to make his cake because it's just easier to make things yourself when you have a child with an allergy - then you know exactly what goes in it. Somehow I decided on a turtle cake (mostly because it was really basic), and I even substituted bananas for eggs just in case he had an egg sensitivity that we weren't aware of. Needless to say, after all of that he ate about three bites of icing, smeared it into his hair and was done. :) It was still worth it though! Here are some pictures from his party... (He will be having another birthday party at Granny and Gramps' house next weekend!)

Grady helped Landon blow out his candle!

It was getting a little late at this point, so Landon was pretty much over it by this point!

Grady also "helped" Landon open all of his presents! Good thing Landon didn't know the difference!
He perked up when he got this present from Kelly, Louis and Hannah!

The boys loved playing in their new kitchen from Mimi and Popeye! (I told them that girls love guys that cook, so we're training them early!)

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