Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thanksgiving in Pinehurst!

We had a second Thanksgiving celebration in Pinehurst last weekend and got to see a lot of family from all over, which was great! (Thanks for all the great food Mimi!) :)  The boys had a great time as always!

Grady loved reading books with Michelle. :)

We went over to the Pinehurst Hotel the day after to look at all the pretty Christmas decorations. This was of course an ideal setting for a Christmas card picture....thanks to everyone who endured the long photo shoot!

Prior to going to Pinehurst, we put our Christmas tree up and decorated. Grady of course loved it, and Landon thought the idea of the tree was pretty neat too. He loved taking ornaments off the tree and bringing them to us, which is really cute. (Don't worry...all the breakable ornaments are out of his reach!)

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