Monday, August 10, 2009

Potty training isn't as easy as it looks....

Well, things didn't go so well this weekend in the potty training department. Let's just say that by 1pm on Saturday, we had a house covered in bodily fluids and a hysterical toddler. (Somehow we were covered as well!) We knew it reached a point where we had to give up for the day when we had a screaming toddler running around the house "spraying" everything, and a dad following him with the swiffer at record speed. In every corner (and on every surface) there seemed to be more! While Grady did manage to have a few successes, we decided we have to re-think our approach...not sure what that will be yet, but the intensity of bootcamp didn't exactly appeal to him (or to us for that matter), and the whole being naked idea didn't go so well (with a boy anyway). The book said that he wouldn't like it running down his legs....well, with a boy it doesn't really run down his goes EVERYWHERE (high and low)!

We have a feeling our hopes for having only one child in diapers by November might not happen, but we'll just keep trying! For any of you experienced moms out there, we're definitely open to advice (especially when it comes to potty training boys)! Thankfully, we have no pictures to go along with this post! he he....

On another note, it's supposed to be 101 degrees here today. Ugh. Doesn't mix so well with a 7-month pregnant woman. I think we're staying in!

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