Monday, November 14, 2011

Pre-Halloween Fun!

A couple of weeks ago we decided to take the boys to a pumpkin farm outside of Raleigh - Vollmer Farm. The last few years we have gone to a different farm in Durham, but this one seemed to offer lots of activities that the other one didn't, so we decided to try it! This was really an all day affair, and of course our plan for Landon to nap in the stroller didn't work out very well (which is usually the case when we try to plan anything like that!). Despite him melting down at the end of the day, we still had a great time!

The corn is always a big hit!
The cow train was a lot of went suprisingly fast! Brandon rode with Landon, and I rode with Grady, so it was a little challenging to get a good picture.

This was a huge bouncy thing (not sure what else to call it), which the boys of course loved. Brandon was the lucky one who got to go up to the top with them. :)

Here are a few other pictures from the last couple of weeks (pre-Halloween)... In this picture the boys are busy looking through a toy catalog picking out what they want from Santa. Of course Landon wants exactly what Grady wants. :)  

One of Grady's new jobs is to feed Charlie... He always does this after we eat, so he usually ends up mixing up some leftovers from his plate with Charlie's dog food. He takes his bowl and goes in the garage and gets the dog food, and this particular night he came out with this (picture below). This might explain why Charlie has put on a few pounds in recent weeks!!  Of course Landon wants to help, so Grady taught him how to do it too. They go in the garage together, and Grady scoops the food and lets Landon pour it into Charlie's is so cute!  

As Landon has approached 2, he has definitely been more adamant about what he wants and doesn't want. This particular night, he decided that he wanted nothing to do with sitting in his high chair or booster seat at the table. He pretty much demanded that we drag the little table from the playroom into the kitchen, and he absolutely refused to wear a bib. One thing we have learned with kids is there are some things that are non-negotiable (safety issues, etc.), but parents sometimes have to give in on smaller things and let kids feel like they have some control in a situation. This was one of those times, and honestly it really wasn't that big of a deal. In fact, it was rather cute seeing Landon so proud of himself for getting his way. :)  So, this is the picture when he just started his meal (well, his first course of corn).

This was about 5 minutes later....

Finally, (and I do realize I'm jumping all around here) Brandon ran another 5K for the March of Dimes, so we all went to cheer him on!

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