Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Halloween Cuties!

Grady decided about 3 months ago that he wanted to be Buzz Lightyear for Halloween, and Landon decided he wanted to be a panda after seeing them at the National Zoo in August. I was happy that they both got costumes they really wanted! :)  While Halloween night started out a little rainy, luckily things dried up by the time we headed out for trick-or-treating. Grady was surprisingly confident with ringing the doorbell and saying "trick-or-treat," and Landon just kind of stood there and said, "I'm a panda."  I have to say (and of course I'm biased) that they were incredibly cute! :) Carleen and Kevin also came over to go trick-or-treating with us!

Because of Landon's milk allergy, he couldn't eat 99% of the candy he got.  That was not a problem though because lollipops are his favorite thing, so he was just as happy! He dosn't get too upset when he can't have something (b/c it has milk in it)....he usually just tells me, "I can have this when I'm 4" because that is what Grady tells him all the time (which is hopefully true!).

Holidays take on a whole new meaning once you have kids! It's neat because you get to see everything all over again through a little innocent person's eyes, and that makes it really exciting!

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