Thursday, January 20, 2011

What the boys are up to these days....

Landon turned 14-months-old on Jan. 11 and is into everything! He is a very active little guy and doesn't stay still for very long and especially dislikes being contained in any way (in his carseat, in the playroom, etc.). Since he started walking around 10 months, he's quite good at it and is extremely fast. He loves to climb now, so we definitely have to watch him very carefully. Just last week I walked into the playroom to find him standing on one of the little chairs (not holding on to anything). While he can't climb onto the couch quite yet, he has learned that he can climb onto other things to get himself onto the couch (such as the blue bouncy dog he got for his birthday from Aunt Kelly and Uncle below).

Landon is also talking a lot these days! The words he says are: Mommy, Daddo (what he calls Brandon), Ga-dy (Grady), poop, tuck (truck), bye-bye, go, shoes, ba (water, banana, balloon, blanket....depending on the situation), rice, ball, tigger (what we call a pacifier), cat, meow, more, nose, stuck, puffs, cracker, cookie, boop (book), no, teeth, boo-boo, go away (he heard Grady say this to him all the time!), lay down, Melmo (Elmo), uh-oh, milk, and yuck. His new favorite thing to say is PU! (pretty funny)! He understands a lot as well and can point to his nose, mouth and head when asked. He also understands many simple directions, such as go get your shoes, clean up the toys, give this to Mommy/Daddy, etc, go say night-night, etc. He also loves giving kisses and often times does this to random people he sees while we're out.

He also just learned how to open doors. His other favorite activities are playing in the trash can and toilet (well, trying anyway!). Isn't that lovely?! His newest trick is when we say, "Landon, it's night-night time," he lays his head down and pretends to snore (all with a huge grin on his face)! It's really cute! (I haven't been able to capture it on video yet.) We'll report more stats on Landon after his 15-month check-up.

Grady and Landon play a lot together now, and for the most part they get along really well. They love chasing each other around and being silly. Just recently they've been having a lot of fun dancing together too! Of course we are starting to see some arguing and fighting between them (mostly over one taking the other one's toy or something), but it hasn't been too bad (yet!). :)

In other news, Grady is continuing to enjoy preschool and is lately getting very interested in writing letters. I of course have tons of supplies/activities from my teaching days, so it has been a lot of fun working with Grady on letters. I find it really rewarding doing things like this with Grady - it's a great combination because I get to use some of my teacher skills with a little guy that I love and adore! :)  Here he is in action....

This is a picture of Grady after he tried to smooth is hair down because he said it was sticking up. I did this once a few days prior before leaving for preschool, and I guess he liked the idea! (He apparently used a hand towel for this because I found it in the bathroom sopping wet afterwards....not to mention the entire bathroom floor was also wet!)

Special thanks to Granny who came down to visit and help out with the boys!

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