Wednesday, January 12, 2011


We had a wonderful Christmas with our boys and to spend time with both of our families, which is always fun! Kelly and Hannah flew up about a week before Christmas, so we got to spend some extra time with them. As always, Grady, Landon and Hannah loved playing together! They headed to Pinehurst the morning of Christmas Eve, and we spent the evening and Christmas morning in Chapel Hill. On Christmas Eve, we went to church (which entailed spending the entire time chasing Landon everywhere!), had a nice dinner at home and made cookies to leave for Santa. Grady was super excited and asked a million questions about Santa and how he was going to get into our house. It was really cute!

Landon has a talk with Santa....

 The boys were of course really excited on Christmas morning! For a few of the presents Grady opened, he screamed, "This is what I wanted!! Santa remembered!!" It was really cute! Landon spent Christmas morning wandering around, playing with wrapping paper and jumping on boxes. (Grady was very generous in that he helped Landon open all of his presents.) :)

The boys got a big tunnel, which they loved (as you can tell)!

We headed to Pinehurst the afternoon of Christmas day. We opened presents and had a great Christmas dinner cooked by Mimi! :) The boys got really thoughtful gifts from everyone and were of course completely spoiled!

Hannah got a new stroller for her doll from Grady and Landon. :) (Not sure who enjoyed the stroller more.... Grady or Hannah!)

It started snowing that evening, which was really exciting, and there was quite a lot on the ground when we woke up in the morning! We opened stockings (since we didn't have time for those the night before) and went out to play in the snow!

Grady and Landon got adorable fruit and vegetables for their new kitchen from Aunt Carleen and Uncle Kevin.

And personalized aprons and chef hats from Aunt Kelly, Uncle Louis and Hannah.....So cute!

Grady got a handheld little computer from Mimi and Popeye (among other great gifts)...he can practice writing letters, play games and listen to music! He loved it!

Here Hannah enjoys playing in a box of remotes! This box is every baby's dream! (Don't worry...the remotes don't work.)

 Here is Ma opening her crockpot from Brandon. (He drew her name for Secret Santa...)

Ma and Grady set the table. This is one of Grady's favorite things to do...he always helps Ma and puts the silverware and napkins out. (Of course we sometimes end up with three spoons each and no fork, but he tries!)

 We also celebrated Popeye's birthday while we were in Pinehurst!

One of Grady's favorite activities was helping Popeye shovel snow off the deck!

 The weekend after Christmas we headed up to Boone to celebrate with Brandon's family. We were actually supposed to go up the weekend before Christmas, but due to a lot of snow, we had to postpone our trip. We had a great time and got to celebrate Christmas and New Year's with them! Once again the boys were completely spoiled! :)

Here Grady and Gramps open their presents....

Granny passes out presents...

Here is Landon opening one of his presents....They got all kinds of fun stuff - a puzzle, car racer, block game, and a new Thomas train set to name a few. (You will notice a lovely scratch over Landon's eye in the picture below....he tripped and hit the corner of a table while we were in Pinehurst. It actually looks worse than it really was!)

Uncle Scott and his girlfriend Charlotte are working on a very challenging puzzle that we got Scott for Christmas!  He of course ended up figuring it out! (No surprise there!) Landon is providing moral support. :)

For some reason this was one of Landon's favorite things to do at Granny and Gramps' house! He loved running into this corner and hiding!

Grady and Charlotte play a game of air hockey!

Granny and Landon read a book together!

We had a really great Christmas! We feel so lucky to have such wonderful families who love our boys just as much as we do! 

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