Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Since Landon started crawling a few weeks ago, he quickly learned to pull himself to standing, which he gets very excited about! He now pulls himself up on everything, and his newest trick is standing in his crib.

Here are a couple videos of him in action:

Landon's favorite things lately are:

  • Chewing on wires (well, trying anyway)
  • Chewing on anything (He has 4 top teeth that broke through at the same time!)
  • Chasing our cat and pulling her tail
  • Beating the laptop
  • Pears and carrots
  • Eating puzzle pieces

In other news, Grady started playing T-ball for the YMCA on the 3-4 year old team. He just made the cut, as he had to be 3 by the end of June, so he's really the youngest one on the team! His team (now called the "Green Monsters") had their first practice last weekend, and it was honestly pretty hilarious! Luckily, one of his best friends - Grant - is on the team too!

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