Friday, June 11, 2010

Our Little Man is Crawling!

For a few weeks now Landon has been on the verge of crawling - rocking on all fours and doing the army crawl! On his 7-month birthday (June 11), he took his first official crawl across the room, which was very exciting! (This is two months earlier than Grady crawled.) While he is still a bit shaky, here are a couple of videos of him in action.

A few weeks ago, Landon's two bottom teeth popped through, and just a couple of days ago one of his top teeth came in. It has been hard trying to get a picture with his teeth showing, but we finally got one!

And here is a picture of Landon doing some yoga....

In other news, (Aunt) Carleen celebrated her 30th birthday this week, so we met her (and Uncle Kevin) for dinner and then had birthday cake!

And here's Grady hanging out with his best buds Gavin and Grant!

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