Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The end of winter...hopefully!

We are long overdue for a blog update, so this one will have lots of pictures! Landon will be 4 months old on March 11 and has really started to smile A LOT in the last month or so (and even started laughing out loud recently)! He fluctuates between being really happy (and smiling non-stop) and being really unhappy (and curling his little lip under, which is actually quite cute)....there isn't much in between. He is VERY strong and always seems like he wants to jump out of his swing (or someone's lap) and run! He has started playing with little toys, which Grady thinks is a lot of fun! In fact, Grady often tells us that he thinks Landon needs a toy, and before we know it, he has piled up about about a hundred toys all around him. Grady continues to be a great big brother and loves helping out with Landon. (Oh- and it seems official that Landon has blue eyes! This is kind of funny since Brandon and I both have brown eyes. Brandon's dad (aka Gramps) has blue eyes, and my grandfather (aka Pa) had blue eyes as well, so it's neat to see them in Landon!

Here are some pictures of Grady and Landon together! This first picture is of Grady, Landon and Keaton (or "Keakon" as Grady calls her) playing the fish game (one of Grady's favorites). Anyone who knows our cat knows that she loves to be right in the middle of everything!

Grady and Charlie waiting for Brandon to come home....

We recently took a weekend trip to Boone to visit Granny and Gramps, as well as a trip to Pinehurst to visit Mimi, Popeye and Ma. It was great to visit with everyone, and we're so appreciative of getting so much help from our family! And of course the boys love it too! (This first picture below is actually from when Granny came to our house to help out!)

This is the view in Boone from Granny and Gramps' deck! Beautiful!

Brandon and Grady look like twins in this picture!

Here are some pictures from our time in Pinehurst! Grady was very excited to push Landon around in this little car... Of course it seems Grady got in it more than Landon did, but that's okay! :)

Landon seems a little unsure of Grady's driving skills....

We got to go to the park, which was a lot of fun!

Here is a picture of Grady and Popeye, both in Popeye shirts! (Grady made up the name Popeye for my dad, and he has no idea that there really is a Popeye!)

My mom gave Grady the perfect job helping with dinner! He was great at it!

Grady continues to say really funny things... When we were in Pinehurst last weekend, we left church on Sunday and got to the car. As we were putting Grady in his carseat, he very seriously said, "Woops! I forgot to pray in there!" It was quite funny! We told him that God would be happy for him to pray anytime, not just in church, so that was okay. :)

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