Monday, March 15, 2010

Signs of Spring!

Landon turned 4 months old on March 11 and now weighs 16 lbs, 1 oz and is 27 inches long! We knew he was really tall since lately he isn't fitting into his 6 month pajamas because they aren't long enough. (We found out that he is in the 96th percentile for height!)! He is smiling more and more everyday and laughing really hard, which is a lot of fun! He has really turned over a new leaf the last couple of weeks in terms of his disposition... He is a lot more content and happy. We spent the first three months carrying him around all the time because he never wanted to be put down! That, mixed with the fact that we battled a lot of sickness this winter, made us feel like we've been in a fog ever since Landon was born. But we are finally starting to come out of it, and it feels really good!! It has been in the 60's and 70's here for the past couple of weeks, which has been great! I don't think we've ever been so happy to see warm weather arrive!

Grady loves playing with Landon and loves when he laughs, so he will often play little games with him. Landon seems so intrigued by Grady...they really are a cute little pair. We know this won't last forever (and pretty soon they'll be trying to kill each other), so we're savoring every moment!

This is what happens to the poor second child.... :)

Here are a couple of vidoes of Grady doing some squirrel watching! :) (At the end of the first video he spots our cat, Dirkins (or Dirks as Grady calls her), outside....). At the end of the second video you will see what it's like living with little boys! (Yes, he randomly said "butt" just because he thought it was funny!)

Squirrel watching is hard work!


  1. Your family is so beautiful! The boys brought an instant smile to the face of my grumpy toddler:). Now all we need is a little of that warm weather! It's 33 degrees here today. *sigh*

  2. i can't wait to see those two precious boys next month. i love your beautiful little family! :)
