Sunday, December 6, 2009


We were lucky in that we were able to have two wonderful Thanksgiving celebrations (and I managed to escape without doing any of the cooking)! Normally, we travel to Boone and Pinehurst to see both sets of families; however, we did things a little different this year due to the fact that Landon just arrived! Brandon's family (Granny, Gramps and Uncle Scott) came down to our house the weekend before Thanksgiving and brought a wonderful Thanksgiving feast with them, which was great and a huge help to us! (Gramps and Uncle Scott also got to meet Landon for the first time.)

We then headed down to Pinehurst for a second Thanksgiving... It's only about an hour drive to Pinehurst, so we figured we could handle that. We have lots of extended family that come to Pinehurst every year for Thanksgiving (aunts, uncles, cousins...), so we were also excited to have them all meet Landon!

Landon also got to meet his great grandmother (Ma) for the first time!

In other news, Landon also had his first real bath while we were in Pinehurst (opposed to just a sponge bath since we had to wait for his bellybutton to heal). Needless to say, he didn't like it too much! :)

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