Friday, December 11, 2009


A lot has been going on lately! This is the first year that Grady really remotely understands the whole idea of Christmas, so we've been having a lot of fun just making the month exciting for him. We put up and decorated our tree right after Thanksgiving....He loved putting ornaments on, although most of them (the non-breakables) are just laying on branches at the bottom. (He couldn't get all of them to actually hang.)

We bought a couple boxes of candycanes later on to add to the tree, and Grady thought that was very exciting that he could put candy on the Christmas tree! He put them all on himself (as you can tell) and got very excited each time he managed to hang one!

Landon also managed to join in on the fun!

Grady has a Christmas performance next week for pre-school. The 2-year-olds will be singing several songs, so his teachers sent home the words to the songs so all the kids could practice. We've been working on Jingle Bells, and Grady has gotten quite good (video coming soon)! On another note, when I picked him up from pre-school today I asked him what he did, and he told me, "I ate bananas and fish and played with baby Jesus." That pretty much summed up his day! :)

We also took the boys to see Santa....We were lucky that Grady's pre-school had "Breakfast with Santa" on Saturday, so we were able to avoid the craziness of the mall (especially with Landon being so little). We had only intended for Grady to sit on Santa's lap, but Mrs. Clause took a liking to little Landon and before we knew it he was on her lap! We were honestly quite surprised that Grady even sat on Santa's lap because he can be shy at times. (You can tell by the look on his face that he still isn't sure about him.) All he managed to quietly say was, "I want choo-choos." :)

And finally, Landon is one month old today! We can't believe how fast time has gone, although he fit right in to our family from the start, so it seems he's been with us forever! At his one month doctor's appointment, he weighed 10 lbs, 7 oz and was over 22 inches long (can't remember the exact measurement, but he's in the 80th percentile for height), so he's definitely a strong little guy! Here is a picture of him today (at exactly one month old)... Thanks for the cute outfit Amy and Ray!

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