Sunday, November 1, 2009


This year Grady dressed up as an elephant for Halloween. He has always kind of had "a thing" for elephants and has been imitating them since he was really little, so when we spotted this costume we knew we had to get it! It did end up being quite warm on Halloween (about 80 degrees), so the poor little guy was a bit drenched by the end of the night. He didn't care though...he had a great time!

We managed to trick-or-treat at several houses on our street (until I couldn't handle walking anymore due to swollen ankles...well, more like a swollen body really!). Then, we hung out on the front porch and gave out candy. We ended up having tons of trick-or-treaters! Like last year, Grady loved the idea of going to people's houses.... he even tried to open the door at one house and walk in. (They had left a bowl full of candy on the porch, and I guess he didn't like that idea too much.) Here are some more pictures from the evening...

Earlier in the day, Grady took part in a little neighborhood Halloween parade, and we spent some time making Halloween treats! (I started a tradition when Grady was born that on every holiday I would make food that went along with the festivities.) This year we made "mummy muffins," "mummy dogs," and "pretzel spiders." Grady had a great time helping out!

The night before Halloween we met some friends at Fearrington Village for some pre-Halloween festivities. They had music, animals, pumpkins, etc.... Here is a picture of Grady dancing and hanging out with his favorite little lady Alice (the cat)! :)

And here are two more of his favorite little ladies....Lucy and Ann (Dorothy and Toto)! On the right he is pictured with one of his best little buds - Grant (Bob the Builder).

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