Monday, November 9, 2009

Day 2 Overdue...and Other Things

We're now into day 2 of being overdue! Ugh! I really thought this time our little guy would be early (although I thought that with Grady too, and he was a couple days late). Since I had an emergency c-section with Grady, I am hoping to avoid that this time around (with a VBAC). Because this can be a little risky, I had to set a back-up c-section date in the event I was overdue (because they won't induce with VBAC's). So.... the back-up date is this Wednesday (Nov. 11). If the little guy doesn't choose to make his appearance in the next couple of days, he'll definitely be here on Wednesday around noon.
Despite the fact that we're just kind of waiting for labor to start, we had a great weekend. Thursday was actually Brandon's birthday (a big one!), so we had a celebratory dinner with Kevin and Carleen (my sis and brother-in-law) and then had a little birthday party. (I purposely didn't plan anything big figuring we'd be in the hospital! So, Brandon, watch out next year!)

Another big event this weekend was that we transitioned Grady from a crib to a toddler bed. And yes, we know this was probably not the ideal time to do this since a new baby will be joining the family any day now....but Grady decided just about a week ago that he wanted nothing to do with his crib. He has been having MAJOR issues going to bed at night. He's always been a night owl (since he was born), but he's now wanting to stay up until 10 or 11 at night! Ugh! So, we thought it was time. Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to happy about his new bed either (despite the fact that he seemed excited about his "big boy bed")... He really just wants to sleep on the floor with Brandon. Not sure how this is all going to play out over the next couple of weeks, but we're hoping (like most things) it's just some phase he's in. We'll see!

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