Saturday, October 10, 2009

Twinkle Twinkle ABC's!

Since Grady has started pre-school, he has learned lots of new songs to add to his collection of songs he learned at home! His favorites are Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (or "Tinkle Tinkle Yiyyle Tar" as he calls it), The Alphabet song, Somewhere Over the Rainbow (which Brandon started singing to him when he was really little...Grady calls this the "Somewhere song"), Silent Night (which I always sang to him and still do...even when it's not Christmas time), and most recently the Thomas the Train song. Grady's teachers tell us all the time that he just loves music time (singing and dancing), which of course thrills us because we're always in awe of anyone with musical talent (since we have none).
As Grady is learning new songs, he will often times combine lyrics from different songs together when he sings, which is quite honestly really funny to listen to. We've been trying to get one of his songs on video for a while now, but the second we go to tape him he gets a bit shy and won't sing. Last night after dinner though (while he was waiting for us to finish), he decided to do a little performance for us (and suprisingly let me tape it). This is a combination of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and the Alphabet song. (Like I mentioned, he had just finished dinner, which is why his face is covered in food!)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for putting up this site! Now we feel like we really "know" the Thomas family. One problem, where are the Red Robin Pictures!!


    the ex-neighbors
