Sunday, May 20, 2012

We've been keeping busy so far in May and enjoying the beautiful weather! I just had to post this picture first because I think it's so cute! Yep, that's Landon driving his little red car naked (wearing his cowboy hat of course!). And he couldn't be happier!

Carleen and Elle came over the week before last, so the boys got to spend some time with her, which they loved! They immediately started piling toys all around her and ultimately decided that she should play with Smurfette because she's a girl. :)

Last week I picked up Grady from preschool one day, and he came out looking like this! The poor little guy fell on the sidewalk walking to the park and skinned up his face. (It actually looked a lot worse than it really was!)

The following day Grady's class performed a play - "Glee Under the Sea" - for everyone. Grady was a whale and did great (especially for being a little shy)!

Here is a video of Grady's part....He did forget his lines (as did everyone!), but if you turn the sound up really high you can hear him! :)

This past weekend I took the boys to Jordan Lake while Brandon went ziplining (a Valentine's present that he hadn't used yet!). It was the most beautiful day, and boys had a great time running by the water, watching fish and playing in the sand.

And of course we took a little break for some lunch....

This coming week is Grady's last week of preschool. And yes, it could make me burst into tears right now just thinking about it. He "graduates" on Thursday. Of course I'm so happy for him and know that kindergarten will be great, but reality has set in that he's really growing up. Stay tuned for pictures later this week..... :)

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