Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Little Boys in Ties!

We went to a wedding up in DC in early August, which was a lot of fun! The best part was that I got to see my cute little boys dressed up in their ties!  There is just something about a little boy in a suit that gets me everytime.  I may not be able to buy cute little dresses and girly things, but this is almost as good! :) (We all kept saying that Landon looked like a little traveling salesman! Grady refused to tuck his shirt in, so he was going for the more casual look. :)

Grady, Landon and Hannah really enjoyed dancing at the reception! Grady has always loved to dance (especially at weddings), but as he has gotten older he has become more reserved in situations where there are lots of people. We weren't really sure what to expect... He was shy at first and didn't dance right away, but then once he got comfortable he was all over the dance floor! 

Here is a video of them dancing. (Landon is busy playing with Hannah's pocketbook! :)

We also had a chance to visit the National Zoo before heading back home, which was a lot of fun. I love this zoo because all the animals are in close proximity to one another, and it's of course free (which is always good!).

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