Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Grady Turns 5!

I can hardly believe it, but our little Grady turned 5 on June 15th! His birthday was on a Friday, and he really wanted to go to Chuck E Cheese. I have to admit that Chuck E Cheese is not my favorite place in the world - mediocre food and lots of germs - but it was worth it to go because it made Grady so happy! The boys had a great time, and Landon especially enjoyed carrying around his little cup of money :)

They were very excited to turn in all their tickets and get prizes! I think both of the prizes broke within 10 minutes of being home, but that's okay! :)

We had a family party for him on Saturday - chocolate cake and all! We are so lucky that Granny, Gramps, Scott, Charlotte, Mimi, Popeye, Ma, Carleen, Kevin and Elle all came to celebrate with Grady!

One thing Grady asked for was an "inside putting green" to practice golf. He also got new golf clubs!
Later that afternoon we had a party at the park for Grady with his friends. Of course he wanted a golf party, which was a bit more challenging than I anticipated, but we made it work! :)

Decorating golf visors!

Blowing out the candles, and eating cake!

Happy 5th sweet Grady!

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