Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Welcome to the World Elle!

As you saw from the last post, my sister Carleen went into the hospital the day of her baby shower and the decision was made to induce her because she had developed preeclampsia. Despite the fact she had to be induced, she had a great labor and beautiful birth! Elle Adris McKenna arrived on April 16th around 11pm (ish) weighing 6 lbs, 12 oz. And let me just tell you - she is PRECIOUS!

The happy family!

The day after Elle was born the boys got to go over to the hospital and meet Elle. Grady was in absolute awe over her. At first he was really nervous holding her, but he warmed up quickly and then became obsessed with the idea. He must have asked me 500 times afterwards if he could hold her again. :) 

Elle and her cousins!

Here she is at 2 weeks! Yep - I'm a proud aunt!

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