Monday, April 23, 2012

Pre-Easter Fun...

Kelly, Louis and Hannah came up to NC a week before Easter to spend some extra time with everyone since Kelly will no longer be able to travel after this point (because she is almost due with child #2). The kids always have a great time together, and their arrival is anticipated in our house for weeks! One of our favorite places to go with the boys is the lake at Fearrington Village. The boys could spend hours throwing sticks and rocks into the water and just playing in the grass, so we figured Hannah would probably enjoy it too! There is never anyone there (aside from an occasional dog walker), so they have the whole lake/grassy area to themselves.

A couple of months ago Grady went on a field trip with his preschool class to the planetarium, and the whole class took a CH bus to campus. I chaperoned the trip, and Grady (and all the kids) were so excited about the bus ride! So, I figured it was something he would enjoy doing again, so we all took the bus to campus to have lunch with Brandon.

Hannah was a little nervous at first because the bus was so loud, but after a few minutes she really liked it too!

I just had to include this picture of Landon poking Louis. For some reason Landon loves doing this lately - to anyone! He thinks it's hilarious to go up to someone (people he knows, not strangers) and poke them. Then he runs away and laughs hysterically! And he'll do it when you least expect it!

It was a beautiful day, and the kids loved playing at the Old Well!

And of course we had to go to Locopops!

Prior to this, we went to register Grady for kindergarten!  And yes, I could burst into tears just thinking about it. I know he's ready and will enjoy it, but it's still hard letting go. :(

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