Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Weekend in the Mountains

We took a trip up to Boone to visit Granny and Gramps over Labor Day weekend and had a great time! It's always nice being in the NC mountains during the summer, and we decided to take the boys on a Blue Ridge Parkway trail to take advantage of the nice weather and beautiful scenery. This is something we'd love to do more of as they get older, so this was a good start. Landon spent most of the time in a hiking pack and seemed to really enjoy it.

This picture was taken right before Landon decided to plunge into the water...luckily his head didn't go under, but he was pretty soaked and covered in mud. He was fine with it though, so we just stripped him down once we got back to the car. :) 

At the last minute (the following day) we decided to go to Tweetsie Railroad in Blowing Rock. We have been several times before, but the boys were still a little young for it and didn't really appreciate it, so we were not going to go this year. Grady all of a sudden seemed interested in going, so we figured we'd try it again. (Plus, Gramps has free passes every year, so that was a definite incentive to try it again (considering it's around $20 for a child to get in and $30 for an adult! Thanks Gramps!) We're glad we did because the boys had a great time!

We did not end up riding the big train, but rode a lot of other rides, which the boys loved. (Grady hates the whistle on the big train because he thinks it's too loud..he has very sensitive ears!)

They also have a pretty large petting zoo there This baby goat escaped out of the fence! :)

As always, we had a great time visiting Granny an Gramps! This is a picture of Gramps reading Polar Express to the is one of their favorite things to do with him!

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