Friday, January 8, 2010

Pre-Holiday Fun!

Kelly and Hannah decided to make the trip up to NC a little early this year to have a bit of a longer stay! This was Hannah's first time traveling out of Florida... After a LONG (15 hour I think) drive from Florida with Carleen (who flew down to drive back with them) they finally arrived in Chapel Hill! This was the first time I had seen Hannah since seeing her in the hospital in August...She looked so much bigger and seemed so healthy and happy! You really can tell when a little one is really loved! Brandon and Grady had not seen her since July when she was born and weighed about 2 pounds, so it was pretty exciting for everyone!

After getting Santa hats for both Hannah and Landon, we decided to take some pictures of them together. I had the brilliant (yeah right!) idea of leaving them both in their diapers and hats for the pictures. Later I realized the pictures probably would have been cuter if they had clothes on, but oh well! They are honestly pretty funny! The following two are my favorites. You can see that Hannah is not so sure about her cousin! :)

Landon is clearly exhausted after the photo shoot! :)

The day after Kelly and Hannah arrived, Grady had his little Christmas performance at preschool. Despite learning all the songs, only one of the kids in his class actually sang! :) They all enjoyed jingling the bells though...It was really cute! Mimi, Popeye, Carleen, Kelly, Hannah, Brandon, Landon and I all came to watch him.

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