Landon turned 3 on November 11. Three is an adorable age because kids just say the funniest things, and it's so fun to see their little minds churning away. Just today (and I'm a bit behind on the blog as I'm writing this on Jan. 30) we had this conversation:
Landon: "Mommy, you're going to be my wife."
Me: "Oh really? Good!"
Me: "Oh really? Good!"
Landon: "Yeah, we're going to get married in 60 years."
Yep, I'll be 94, and I'll be marrying my 63-year-old son. he he.... Gosh I love that little boy.
I love to use birthdays to kind of reflect on who my kids are as little people. Landon is definitely a funny little guy with a very unique personality. He's pretty sensitive and generally needs extra comfort a lot of the time (yep, he's pretty much a little me). At the same time, he can also be pretty laid back (until something rubs him the wrong way, and then the floodgates open!). He is definitely his own person, and often times has no interest in things other kids his age typically love. He is usually pretty sure of what he wants and doesn't want to do, and there is really no point in pushing him to do something he has decided he has no interest in. Actually, the only person who has influence over him with things like that is Grady. Landon ADORES Grady and very much loves the little brother role. They are really cute together and genuinely love each other. (Don't get me wrong - they fight too, but they get over it pretty quick.)
Landon loves carrying around little "guys," and at any given moment you could find 2-3 of them in his pockets or hands. Usually these are little lego guys, but they change periodically - sometimes mini Smurfs (Papa is his favorite), little figurines, etc. And then there is Woody. He pretty much adopted Grady's Woody (from Toy Story) a long time ago and goes through phases where he carries Woody literally everywhere. Then for a few weeks we don't see Woody at all. No matter what Landon will always have a "friend" with him.
To celebrate Landon's birthday we had both a family party and one with friends at the park in our neighborhood. It was a beautiful 70-degree day (November is always a little unpredictable)... we did our best to give him the Smurf party that he wanted! :)
Here is our big boy! (See his "guys?")
Both of our families came to help Landon celebrate his birthday, which we always appreciate! (And as you can see Woody made an appearance at the party too!)
Grady managed to get messier than any of the 3-year-olds at the party! :)
And of course birthdays always make me a little nostalgic, so I couldn't resist posting a picture from Landon's 1st birthday! Where does the time go?! :)