Thursday, October 28, 2010

More of October...

We've been keeping busy and recently enjoyed a visit to Ganyard Farms (the pumpkin patch) in Durham. The boys had a great time on the hay ride, playing in the corn, watching the goats and picking their pumpkins.

There were of course a few meltdowns! :)We're still debating whether this was an actual hug (or more of an attempted strangulation). :) This time last year I was very pregnant with Landon, so I couldn't help but post a picture from almost exactly a year ago at this same pumpkin patch. It's hard to believe little Landon was curled up in my stomach!

In other news, Grady has been "studying" about farms in preschool, so they had "dress as a farmer" day a couple weeks ago.

Last weekend Brandon ran in a 5K (his first one) for the March of Dimes. We all went to support him and had a great time (despite the fact that it was in the 40's that morning...hard to believe it was in the high 80's this week)! And we were of course all very proud of Brandon.... he came in ahead of 100 people in the race! :)

Finally, here is a picture of Landon in his new carseat. (I'm still wondering how my little baby turned into a little boy!) Special thanks to Granny and Gramps for the early birthday present for Landon!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Going into Fall we have been staying busy and enjoying the cooler weather. Grady started playing soccer and really loves it so far! Of course it helps that his two good friends - Gavin and Grant - play on the same team! Here they are after one of their games....

Here is Grady about to kick the ball!

Carleen and Kevin came to watch Grady play soccer too! As you can tell Landon is having a great time hanging out with them!
In other news, Landon now loves to clap and is picking up new words all the time. He now says ma-ma, poop, da-da, grady, cat, doggie, puff, bye-bye, and ball. By far, the cutest word he says is Grady, which he pronounces "Ga-dy." He is also becoming increasingly more confident with walking and loves pushing his little walker around.

Here is a picture of the boys in a "drive cart" (as Grady calls it) at Harris Teeter. This is, by far, the highlight of grocery shopping for them! (Oh- and I'm pretty sure this exact cart is where Landon picked up a horrible stomach virus that he eventually gave to all of us....and eventually Mimi, Popeye and Ma! Ugh! Look how much fun he's having...still didn't make the 8 straight hours of throwing up worth it though!)

And I just had to include this because it's just so cute. Grady is a very sweet little guy, and he recently adopted this little puzzle piece of a baby elephant because the match (the mommy elephant) is missing. He said the baby is scared because she can't find her mommy, so he's going to take care of her. He even brings the puzzle piece into his bed for naps and bedtime. It's really sweet, so I just had to snap a picture. :)