Sunday, March 3, 2013

Christmas in...uh....March?

Well, it's March 3, and sadly I am just now updating the blog from Christmas. Better late than never, right?! Life just seems to get crazier and crazier as time goes on, and once you find yourself so far behind in posting the task just seems so daunting because you feel you can never catch up. Have no fear though! I am determined to keep this blog going!
A thought about Thanksgiving first....somehow I managed to only end up with one random picture from Thanksgiving. Not sure what happened there, but my lack of documentation is not indicative of anything less than a perfect holiday! As we do every year, we celebrated with Brandon's family the weekend before and my family the weekend after. This was an extra special year because my cousin Melody and her family of 8 made the trip from Ohio, which was so much fun! We really had a great time catching up with them, and for the first time Ma was able to be with all 12 of her great-grandchildren (soon to be 14!). There is a picture somewhere, so once I get my hands on it I will post it!
December was full of a lot of fun activities, including going to a Christmas parade and picking out a tree!

We got a real tree this year from a Christmas tree farm, which we thought the boys would love! They did like it, but after about 10 seconds of looking at the trees they ran off into a field nearby with Brandon to run around. Somehow I ended up picking out the tree by myself! :)

Writing letters to Santa....
And the pre-Christmas highlight was taking the boys to ride the Polar Express in the NC mountains! This is one of their favorite movies, so we thought it was the perfect year for them to experience it themselves! We rented a really cute cabin and spent the weekend!

One of the many faces of Landon. :)

After dinner, we all got ready to head to the train station!

After getting hot chocolate and cookies (with singing of course!), Santa arrived!

Santa gave everyone a bell!

The conductor made his rounds and punched their tickets.

Once we got off the train, the boys got to spend some quality time with Santa! Last year Landon refused to sit on Santa's lap (actually screamed and cried!), so we weren't sure what to expect this year. He had no issue with Santa at all though....ran right over and jumped in his lap!

On Christmas Eve, Granny, Gramps and Uncle Scott came down, which is always fun! Here is an attempt at a picture before going to church.

Christmas morning!

Heading back to Boone....

We headed down to Pinehurst the afternoon of Christmas day and were able to spend a few days at Mimi and Popeye's house with everyone!
Making a fire with Popeye...
Look at these two little cuties! Elle and Griffin loved their dragons from Mimi and Popeye!
Grady got a really neat circuit set, which he loves! He is a little engineer in the making!
Kelly and Louis had Griffin baptized a couple days after Christmas, and we were honored that they asked Brandon and I to be his godparents!
Elle doing some push-ups to get ready....
Landon is....hmmmm....resting before the baptism (?)....We almost lost him in the carpet with those red pants!
The cousins!
We also celebrated Popeye's birthday, and the boys enjoyed helping him blow out his candle!