Friday, December 16, 2011

Our latest ornament....

Only in a house full of boys will you find Buzz Lightyear underwear in your Christmas tree. Because of course - the natural thing for anyone to do when taking their clothes off to get ready for a bath is to just throw their underwear in the family tree.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Giving Thanks....

I love Thanksgiving because it's just fun to eat great food, spend time with family and get into the holiday spirit! :)  We are truly thankful for all we have and for having the most amazing little boys to spend our days with. It's always hard to believe that another year has passed, and that this year's Thanksgiving has already come and gone!

Grady participated in a Thanksgiving "play" (and I use the term "play" loosely!) with his preschool class this year, and it was so much fun watching him perform as a pilgrim! He had one line in the play (the last one), and we practiced it a lot. Not because he forgot the words, but because he needed to speak loud (something that is definitely hard for a shy little person...and I say that from experience!). We were really proud of him though because he did a great job with it! Of course he was on the complete opposite side of where we were sitting, so it's hard to see him in this picture.

We went up to Boone for an early Thanksgiving (the weekend before), which is really nice because it allows us to see both sides of our family and have a break from traveling in between. As always, we had a great time!

Hanging out with Annie!

We went to Pinehurst the weekend after Thanksgiving and got to spend time with out of town aunts, uncles and cousins, which is always really nice! The table keeps getting bigger and bigger as spouses and little ones are added, but we still manage to all fit!

And we are happy to share that we will have a new niece/nephew come May! Carleen and Kevin are expecting their first little one, and we are so excited!